Monday, January 31, 2011

My new favourite hangout

I'd been hearing heaps of good things about Wiggley's waterhole for a few months when finally last Tuesday, I made it there. Katie chose it for her birthday party which was a good enough reason to explore this hidden jewel. The strange thing is that it'd taken me so long when it's only about 10 km far from Alice City.

It's a great easy bike ride (although it was a bit of an adventure on my new skinny tyres) but if you happen to own a 4WD, you can get there even your home cinema.

There's still enough water there and I love that you can jump of a cliff - although you've gotta know exactly where to land otherwise you might end up with slightly flat feet...

It's by far the closest waterhole around. And since it's not 2WD friendly and you can't find it in Lonely Planet, it's not that busy. I guess I'll go for a swim soon (it's been around 42 deg for a week!)!

Enjoy the pictures!

A piece of Holland in Alice Springs

Hey hola, here I am again, with yet another fabulous news:

I found stroopwafels in Alice!

A miracle! Last friday, I finally made it to an organic food shop (the only one in Metropalice) called Afghan Traders to buy some locally roasted coffee and there it was - a pack of stroopwafels... Well it's not all that perfect - it's aussie made which means it's far from that heavenly taste and texture of the original ones and it's bloody expensive - $3,50 for a pack of 4 (I miss you Holland!). But hey, I'm in Alice Springs!

It reminded me of the good old days at TU Delft, when stroopwafels were my staple food - I ate at least 2 packs (of 10) every week and I remember I ate them even in a shower (hope you're reading this, Andrew!). A student's life...